Enchantment Guide For Aion Online - The Tower of Eternity

The best arresting genitalia of acquirements how to enhance is acquirements that THEY CAN FAIL! Not alone can they fail, but declining can accept abrogating side-effects for your gear! This is why you charge apprehend the adviser beneath so that you do not lose your time, your character's money, or your cool!

Before you can use Enchantment stones, you charge actualize them. In adjustment to actualize them, appointment a adjacent General Goods Merchant and acquirement abstraction Tools. One set of accoutrement is acclimated per extraction. In adjustment to extract, you charge Right-Click on the abstraction accoutrement and again Left-Click on the account you ambition to abstract from.

Aida Cloth

There are some important guidelines! First, you can alone abstract from items that can be enhanced. These are your chest slot, legs slot, amateur slot, easily slot, anxiety slot, primary slot, and accessory slot. Second, back you abstract from an item, that account is destroyed. Do not abstract from items you ambition to accumulate or use, obviously.

Once you accept extracted an item, you will accept Enchantment stones. They appear in the form: akin # Enchantment. The akin corresponds to an item's level, not your level.

Now that you apperceive how to abstract and actualize Enchantment stones, I will acquaint you how you administer them to an item. The aboriginal important allotment is addition out the akin of the account you ambition to enhance. absolutely simply, the item's akin is the appropriate akin to use that account (but there is more!). This can about be begin aloof by attractive at the item's statistics, as it will say what akin is required. For some items, such as adventure rewards, there is no accustomed akin on the item. In adjustment to amount out the akin of these items, you charge apperceive what akin the adventure was that resulted in that item. For instance, if a adventure said "Level 10" in advanced of it and commutual it resulted in an item, that item's akin would be 10.

Once you apperceive your item's level, the abutting footfall is addition out what akin Enchantment bean to use. In adjustment to do this, you charge apperceive whether the account is of White rarity, Green rarity, Blue rarity, or Orange rarity. You can artlessly do this by attractive at the account and seeing what blush the item's name is accounting in. Once you apperceive the item's akin and its blush use the afterward to amount out what Enchantment bean to use:

White account = Item's akin +1-10 Levels
Green account = Item's akin +5-20 Levels
Blue account = Item's akin +15-40 Levels
Orange account = Item's akin +30-50 Levels

When application an Enchantment bean from the aloft guide, booty agenda that application the lower acme will account you to accept a lower adventitious of success. If you accept a akin 10 White item, you will accept a college percent of success if you use a akin 13 Enchantment bean than if you acclimated a akin 11 Enchantment stone. Also, if you use too aerial of an Enchantment stone, your adventitious of success will be beneath as well.

Now that you apperceive how to actualize Enchantment stones and use them to enhance your gear, you charge be apprehensive what the point of it all is! anniversary account can be added up to 10 times. Although this seems adequately accessible to obtain, you can booty either two paths to extensive it. One involves spending lots of your character's money on purchasing the best-to-use Enchantment stones; the added involves spending lots of accident on application lower akin Enchantment stones that will sometimes fail. What happens back you fail? Your account loses one akin of enhancement! This is why it is important to use the actual akin Enchantment stones. The acceptable account is that items cannot ability abrogating accessory levels; it will stop at 0. The bad news, obviously, is that it can booty absolutely a bit of time and money to ability 10.

The afterward shows what bonuses appear with anniversary accessory level. Remember, anniversary account can ability a best of 10, so assorted anniversary benefit by 10 to amount out the maximum.

Chest = +6 PD per level
Legs = +5 PD per level
Pauldron = +4 PD per level
Gloves = +4 PD per level
Boots = +4 PD per level

Chest = +5 Physical Defense per level
Legs = +4 PD per level
Pauldron = +3 PD per level
Gloves = +3 PD per level
Boots = +3 PD per level

Chest = +4 Physical Defense per level
Legs = +3 PD per level
Pauldron = +2 PD per level
Gloves = +2 PD per level
Boots = +2 PD per level

Chest = +3 Physical Defense per level
Legs = +2 PD per level
Pauldron = +1 PD per level
Gloves = +1 PD per level
Boots = +1 PD per level

Polearm = +4 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level
Greatsword = +4 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level
Bows = +4 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level
Staff = +3 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level
Sword = +2 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level
Dagger = +2 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level
Mace = +3 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level
Orb = +4 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level
Spellbook = +3 Minimum and best Weapon Damage per level, +10 Magic Boost per level

Shield = +2% Damage Reduction per level

Enchantment Guide For Aion Online - The Tower of Eternity

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